Pick the Perfect Flooring – INFOGRAPHIC


Although the flooring industry may not seem riveting to everyone (even though it is to us), there is actually quite a breadth and depth of information and options out there. This can definitely become overwhelming for the consumer, especially when researching flooring and new flooring innovations isn’t exactly on your daily to-do list. Thankfully, it just so happens to be on ours.

We created this chart to help you navigate the murky waters of picking the perfect flooring. We’ve included the more common flooring options, including solid hardwood floors, engineered wood floors, wood look tile (which got its own category), tile, vinyl, linoleum and carpet. Each flooring option has a short description, lists pros and cons as well as where in the home (or commercial space) each option works best. There’s even an “at-a-glance” key for cost, durability, maintenance and sustainability. We’ll detail less common flooring options, as well as go further into depth and focus on individual options in the next couple of posts in this series. If the infographic doesn’t appear immediately below, click on the link to view it!

Pick The Perfect Floor

Pick The Perfect Floor


Upgrades That Give You a Return on Your Investment – Kitchens and Bathrooms


Buying a home is often the single largest investment an individual or family will ever make. Not only that, its a cornerstone of the American Dream. Its no wonder, then, that most of us are deeply invested in our homes, in more ways that one. So which home improvements are actually worth the money? Plenty of projects will add some value, but which ones will give you the highest return on your investment?

Across the board, kitchens & baths along with updated flooring rank at the top of the list. In particularly hot housing markets, updating your kitchen and/or bath yields a nearly 100% return according to HGTV.com.

Updating Your Kitchen

It has been said that the kitchen is the heart of the home, so it’s no wonder that kitchens rank at the very top of the list for projects that increase home value. Small things updated appliances and a new back-splash can rejuvenate a tired looking kitchen, giving it new life. According to US News Money, kitchen remodels yield a whopping 82.7% return on investment.

Kitchens are important… because would-be buyers often overestimate how much they would cost to update.

If you have a dated kitchen … and a buyer walks into that kitchen, they’re going to think that in order to redo that kitchen, they’re going to have to spend $40,000 or $50,000.

– Steve Aaron, Steve Aaron Realtor Group and HGTV’s “Selling L.A.”

In truth, the actual cost of a full scale kitchen remodel is about a quarter of what a potential buyer estimates. Furthermore, simply updating something like the back splash is very cost effective with a huge aesthetic payoff and is minimally invasive.

Updating Your Bathrooms

Next to kitchens, bathrooms consistently come in at a close second for valuable home improvements. Logically this makes sense. Bathrooms are the other room in the house that homeowners and guests alike spend time in, and as such a “public” space, aesthetics and functionality are especially important. Best of all, bathrooms are spaces that can easily be updated without forking over a ton of cash. Simply tiling a countertop a la thisoldhouse.com is a great way to add a durable, water resistant surface that will last while refreshing the look of the space. Updating a shower or creating a gorgeous tub surround are also cost effective ways to give a bathroom a face-lift. Another bonus? Small improvements such as these don’t tend to throw your entire routine into chaos the way heftier and pricier improvements do!

New Flooring

Adding hardwood flooring has always added great value to the home. It’s something that is seen throughout the space so the visual impact your floors has is huge. It’s one of the “sexier” line items that really changes the look and value of the home quickly.

Hardwood flooring has a wow-factor that some flooring pros believe will bring back 2+ times its cost when you sell…If real wood isn’t suitable for your home than take a look at … tile that looks like wood which is enjoying a surge of popularity right now.

– homeflooringpros.com

Speaking of wood look tile, if you missed our previous post, there is an entire article all about it here. This type of tile really looks like the real thing at a fraction of the cost, so it is budget friendly too.

Final Thoughts

Before you dive head first into remodeling your bathroom or kitchen or any part of your home for that matter, here are a few final things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t obsess over perfecting just one room. You’ll be disappointed with your return on investment and it won’t flow with the rest of the home. Make sure everything stays in sync.
  • Beware the DIY bug! The internet and YouTube are great resources, but unless you’ve got some serious home improvement skills, you can end up with a huge mess and shelling out a lot more cash than if you had initially consulted a pro.
  • Be realistic and keep improvements in line with other homes of similar value in your neighborhood.
  • Make improvements with real impact. Updating a relatively modern home isn’t going to pack the same punch as bringing a much older home up to date. In the same vein, don’t create one ultra modern area and leave the rest of the home stuck in a time warp (see the first bullet).

Lastly, enjoy your home. You can research and crunch numbers all day long. If you’re realistic about your expectations there isn’t anything wrong with going ahead with a project simply because you love it. After all, you’re the one who has to live there. As long as you stay grounded, you can have fun and protect your investment at the same time.


Industry Innovation – Wood Look Tile and Why the Trend is Here to Stay


What is it?

Wood look or wood grain tile is ceramic or porcelain tile that has been printed to replicate the look and often texture of wood flooring. Although this type of tile has been around for awhile, I’m calling it an industry innovation because it wasn’t until recently that printing technology has been capable of truly replicating the look and surface feel of wood. Because of this new inkjet printing method, wood look tile has been steadily gaining in popularity and has become very on-trend, not just domestically, but internationally.


Wood Look Tile Design

Advantages of wood look tile over “the real thing.”

There is no doubt that quality hardwood flooring gives a gorgeous, high-end look to any space. For many people, the idea of a substitute in place of the real thing is unappealing. However, once you become acquainted to wood look tile, its hard to ignore its distinct advantages. Aesthetically, the tiles really do look like the real thing, they are cost effective, wood look tiles are durable and easier to maintain and they are eco-friendly.

The wood look or wood grain tile that is being produced today can truly replicate the look and texture of wood. Of course, as with any product, there are varying degrees of quality, and therefore variations in price. On the whole, however, because of the innovations in printing technology, the quality and authenticity of the newer wood look tiles is quite high and ever increasing. The high quality, coupled with the relatively low cost (in some cases nearly half the cost of real wood) makes wood grain tile a smart choice.

Wood look or wood grain tile is also exceptionally durable. Instead of literally tiptoeing on your floors, wood look tile isn’t susceptible to the nicks and dings that plague hardwood floors. Not only that, but they allow you to have the look of hardwood floors nearly anywhere, especially in places where wood is traditionally cautioned against. Now you are no longer constrained and can have the look of hardwood floors in high moisture areas like bathrooms or laundry rooms. Besides its durability, porcelain and ceramic wood look tile is easy to maintain, especially relative to wood flooring and is a huge bonus for the homeowner.

The experts at HGTV had this to say:

“We all love the look of hardwood flooring, but most contractors say it has no place in a moist bathroom. The next best thing may be faux hardwood porcelain tile. It looks fabulous…is much easier to care for than real wood. And porcelain’s natural resistance to moisture makes it an appropriate material for kitchen and bath applications.”

This also makes it ideal for commercial spaces that want a high end look that will last and stand up to high volume foot traffic.


Speaking of looks, the desire for a high end aesthetic, especially the reclaimed wood trend is easily satisfied by choosing ceramic or porcelain wood look tile. Not only can the cost of wood be prohibitive, finding the perfect wood may, in fact, be nearly impossible. As the Houzz blog tells us:

“”With reclaimed wood so on trend, buying wood tile is an alternative to searching for the perfect hundred-year-old barn wood, and tiles are available in dimensions that wood is typically not.”

Even if cost were not an issue, choosing porcelain or ceramic tile means fewer trees harvested and less pressure on the industry, making it an eco-friendly choice to boot.

Things to look keep in mind.

While we really wood look tile, there are a few things to consider if you choose to use it.

  1. Although it has been around awhile, wood look tile’s popularity has exploded recently. Because of this, its extremely important, in my opinion, to find someone who has worked with it before. You wouldn’t want your wood look tile to be laid out the same way standard tile would be laid out, because this would simply ruin the “illusion.” A reliable professional that understands this will go a long way in ensuring your satisfaction.
  2. The climate you live in is also a factor in whether you choose wood look tile or actual wood. Here in Savannah and the low country, with our hot muggy summer, mild winters, and proximity to the coast, wood look tile is generally a no-brainer. However, if you happen to be in a part of the country that experiences colder winters (like the midwest where I’m from), waking up to a freezing tile floor, no matter how beautiful, maybe be less than ideal.
  3. Temperatures aside, the environment you live in may be very hostile to real wood floors, once again making wood look tile a good prospect. For instance, real wood tends to be prone to insects and termites in drier environments and prone to warping in moist environments.
Warped Hardwood Floor

Warped Hardwood Floor

The possibilities are endless

As you can see, porcelain and ceramic wood look tile open up a whole host of possibilities. They free you from budgetary, space, and design constraints. The industry, particularly printing technology, is still improving rapidly and if you can conceive, there is probably a wood look tile out there for you. We don’t see this trend going anywhere anytime soon and we’re excited for what’s to come!
